Benchmark has successfully created hospital specific management plans for its current stakeholders focusing on key trends that significantly turn around operations and improve profitability. Below are key components of setting the benchmark:
Improved Performance Metrics = Quality Care and Improved Return On Investment
Appropriate and complete documentation, a precise understanding of the MS-DRG lexicon and a partnership with case management leads to case mix index that is an accurate indicator of the severity of illness.
Shorter LOS, more frequent physician contact, customer service oriented and responsive providers and quality outpatient discharge services drives improved patient satisfaction.
Opening the "back door" to the emergency department, team treatment of potential admits by the hospitalist and ED physician along with timely treatment and intervention improves care and patient flow.
Benchmark Hospitalist programs are designed specifically with Joint Commission, Title 22, CMS, EMTALA and the Medical Board compliance in mind resulting in reputation enhancements and facilitating certification
Optimizing Inpatient LOS based on developing individualized clinical plans at the time of admission results in appropriate use of facility resources.
Integration of the clinical assessment, Inter-Qual standards and justification of medical necessity significantly mitigates the risk of denials.
Managing the delicate balance of the patient care spectrum, including the right amount of inpatient utilization with outpatient support and access to care, leads to reduced re-admissions.
Timely consultation, adherence to pharmacy formulary, admission to appropriate level of care, compliance with core measures & early discharge planning create efficiency and reduce the Cost / Discharged Patient.
Getting and remaining on top of financial measures of your performance is an important part of running a growing hospital, especially in the current economic climate. Here are a few core components that Benchmark focuses on to help you achieve improved clinical, operational and financial performance:
Increased provider productivity
More accurate and compliant patient care documentation
● Increased case mix index
● Improved relative weight (RW) profile
● Improved mortality ratio
Decreased cost per discharged patient
Decreased thirty day re-admission rate
Opportunity to receive the market basket increase (IPPS payment)
● Hospitalists generally oversee and assist case management in reporting of quality measures
Decreased patient length of stay
● Significant impact related to self-pay
● Greatest impact related to DRG patients
Cost effective and proper resource utilization
● Pharmacy formulary compliance
● Appropriate use of imaging services
● Admission to appropriate level of care (ie. Tele v.ICU)
We continuously strive to achieve excellence at all levels in the organization. As a routine service to the Hospitals we serve, Benchmark provides reporting on a consistent basis on key quality assurance standards including but not limited to these:
Cost per case / discharge patient
Charges per discharge
Utilization of resources
● Special studies-radiology
● Pharmacy
● Laboratory
● Blood usage
Length of Stay
● LOS monitored in accordance with financial class, clinical presentation
● Formulary drugs / supply / utilization
Denied Days
We know that exceptional clinical care is a continuous journey. At Benchmark, we don’t believe in overnight successes. Despite our rapid rise to a leading group, we have built our reputation over time after creating a proven track record of success in clinical services. We work diligently every day to preserve that reputation for excellence. The recognition Benchmark has received only serves to fuel our commitment to the community and individuals we serve, as we continue our history and tradition of excellence. Key tenets of our clinical model include:
Immediate documentation of Present On Arrival (POA) conditions
Prevention of Hospital Acquired Conditions (HAC)
Exceptional Core Measure performance
Become the “Facility of Choice” for EMS by reducing diversion due to more rapid patient turnover in the ED from improved patient flow and “expanding the ER into the inpatient wards”.
Hospitalist directing or participating in the development and implementation of:
● Clinical guidelines
● Standard order sets
● Treatment protocols
Early treatment interventions/rapid response
● Hospitalists are in-house
● Rapid response team and “pre-code” interventions
Prompt and efficient admission from the Emergency Department
● Reduces LOS for patients in the ER
● Reduces “left without being seen” ED patients
At Benchmark, we understand the demands and challenges that face our clients. We work hard to ensure satisfaction for all of our stakeholders including: patients, nursing, medical staff, administration, and all non-physician healthcare professionals. We assist in timely chart completion, EMTALA compliance, Joint Commission survey preparation and participation, as well as reducing medical staff office call panel challenges. Our partnership approach means sitting side by side with administration analyzing our practice, listening to feedback and creatively seeking solutions to the myriad of challenges your institution faces.
Having a dynamic awareness campaign that describes how the community can expect more from Benchmark is crucial in building a solid reputation. We are expert in developing marketing plans targeting key stakeholders and always work to bolster the hospital’s reputation in the marketplace.
There is a unique feel to our practice as physicians become part of the local community and our team becomes your team. As patient flow improves in the institution and the practice environment is enhanced as a result, your hospital becomes the choice for care in your community.
At Benchmark, we are educated and experts at handling:
Joint Commission
● Preparation and Surveys
● At each site where Benchmark co-manages the ED and Hospitalist programs,
we have earned clean surveys for each accreditation without need for plans of correction
Title 22
Center for Medicare Services
Medical Board Patient Care Regulations and Standards